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By School News
Posted: 29/03/2022

150 years’ Celebration of Charing Primary School

150 years’ Celebration of Charing Primary School Charing Primary School is 150 years old on Friday 13th January 2023. To celebrate this amazing event, we would like to invite former and present pupils, staff, parents, governors and residents of the village to visit us for a tour of the school. Visitors will be able to observe how it has changed over the years; whilst hopefully bringing back some happy memories and perhaps even rekindling old friendships. There will be an exhibition in the School Hall at the end of the tour to illustrate the changes to the school across the years. The tour will take place on Saturday 14th January 2023. If you would like to take part, please complete the form provided and select one of the available time slots. Please note if there is a high demand, we will add extra time slots. The form can be accessed by clicking the link below https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=G-qhY5Bt70u_SHYtsvnOEvuYMDD1PL5FhQ3_qbeIyqpUQkY1RVVXNE1VUVpWQzAxSzNOTklEQ09YQi4u We are also asking former pupils, staff, governors or parents to email or send to the school office any old school photos, accounts or items of interest from their school days for the exhibition. Thank you in anticipation. The school office email is office@charing.kent.sch.uk. If you would like to help us collect and organise the exhibition materials, please contact the office. To enable this event to be a success, we need this message to be spread loudly and far and wide! This is why we are contacting you so far in advance. Please help spread the word by sharing this message to anyone you know who has previously been connected with the school either by word of mouth or on social media platforms. The history of our school is fascinating and a microcosm of national progress across the years. It deserves to be celebrated so together let’s make this event one that will be remembered for ever. Thank you in advance for your support. Kind regards, Mr Bird Head of School Â