Governance Statement
The systems and processes that we have in place ensure that all levels of Governance can keep a close but strategic overview of each Academy and the trust as a whole. While the work of the Local Governor is never easy, the Trust Board has invested heavily in ensuring that anyone undertaking it is supported in their role.
Governorhub, for example, is a meeting management and communication system which makes Governance meetings easier. It enables trust wide communication while also allowing local bodies to communicate with each other to arrange meetings and share documents and information.
We offer a comprehensive training programme. This includes online support from the National Governors Association Learning Link and face to face training sessions throughout the year on pertinent subjects such as finance or understanding school data. All new governors receive induction training, an experienced Governor as a mentor and are welcome to see other LGBs in action. This is led by Julie Lowe our Governance Manager. We believe that this early interaction builds the best understanding of what’s involved and can ensure that new governors feel confident to undertake the role within a very short space of time. All governors access safeguarding training through Judicium including modules on Keeping Children Safe in Education, online safety, Prevent, GDPR and safeguarding for governors.
National Governors Association Learning Link
While training is important, access to the right information at the right time is also vital. This is why we provide The Key for School Governors and membership to the National Governor Association to all our governors. Both services offer different information but provide an effective overview of the role of the Governor and how to approach the role effectively.
The Key Support - School Governors NGA
We also offer systems which ensure security to the Trust Board while also making the work of the Governor much easier. Our General Risk Assessments undertaken by WorkNest for example, ensure that governors with an overview of Health and Safety have a useful reference point to see how their Academy is approaching its obligations for health and safety. RiskMate offers an in-depth approach to risk analysis and review. Our access finance system provides governors with reports and tables in a variety of user friendly ways.
Staying true to our values of collaborating, we hold regular meetings of Chairs and other Governors so that we can share each other’s practice and experience. This is all part of being a governor in our Academies and we are proud to nuture and support those who offer their time so freely. All of this investment is to ensure our Local Governing Bodies are fully equipped to support their leaders and hold them to account for delivering the vision they hold for their Academy community.
Scheme of Delegation and other Governance Documents
The Local Governing Body is a committee of the Trust Board and is granted responsibilities to undertake on a day to day basis. This is recorded in the Scheme of Delegation. Each Body is able to develop committees and monitoring systems which fit their individual needs but these will always be with a view to ensuring the responsibilities of the Scheme are met.
Please find below the details of our current scheme of delegation. This document outlines the responsibilities which are granted to each Local Governing body.
All governors in Aquila Academies commit and adhere to a code of practice. This covers individual and collective responsibilities for the Body.
Code of Practice
Each body keeps a regular review of its skills using an audit tool created by the National Governors Association. The skills required by each of our bodies will depend on their local context and current priorities. If you are interested in joining one of our bodies, please be aware that all appointments are subject to the skills need of each body.
Why Join us – School, Teacher, Training
Local Governance
- Introduction
- Governance Statement
- Scheme of Delegation
- Local Governing Body Information
- Admissions